A Bemurkled Sapphire Nuzlocke

Comic Image


Oh, it's not quite the end after all. They'll starve in a few days, though.

A little while ago, a reader asked how long a certain page took to draw. At the time I gave a vague answer because I wasn't sure, but more recently I realized that ProCreate automatically keeps statistics on that. So here's the approximate times for the last umpteen pages:

Based on this, my most laborious page by far was the Calvin & Hobbes parody, where I spent about 2h 20m per panel. The next slowest were the two full-colour cartoon pages (91 and 98), about twice as fast at 1h 10m per panel. Everything else was roughly in the range from 20 to 40 minutes per panel. Of course, none of that includes time spent on planning or research.